Drug serialization system: Advances and challenges

Sistema de serialización de medicamentos: Avances y desafíos.

The counterfeiting of medications poses a direct threat to the health of millions of people each year. In response to this ever-growing threat, the European Union decided to intensify its efforts by adopting stricter regulatory measures that culminated in 2019 with the implementation of Directive 2011/62/EU and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161.

CPHI Middle East 2024

CPHI Middle East 2024

Riad, Saudi Arabia From December 8 to 10, the 2024 edition of CPHI Middle East was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This event, recognized as

Visit to Equatorial Guinea

Visita a Guinea Ecuatorial

Malabo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea The CEO of Mana Pharma, Katayun Manavi, travels to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to meet with the Ministry of

MANA PHARMA: Committed to Supplying Medicines to Hospitals in Spain

Over the past few years, the Healthcare System in Spain has faced increasing challenges in ensuring a reliable supply of essential medicines. The shortage of certain drugs, a pressing issue impacting both patients and Healthcare professionals, has underscored the importance of a robust and reliable Distribution System.

Business Meeting

Encuentro empresarial

Madrid, Spain Spain-Iraq Business Meeting, organised by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, ICEX, and CEOE, on the occasion of the official visit of Mr. Mohammed

MEDEX 2024

Nuakchot, Mauritania Medical and health fair held in Mauritania to which Mana Pharma has attended in this 2024 edition with its own stand. The event

Executive breakfast

MADRID, SPAIN On 19 November, Katayun Manavi, CEO of Mana Pharma. S.L. and CEO of the Net-Pharma Hub, attended the new edition of the Executive